During the Impeachment Trial, House Managers have vociferously argued for the need of more witnesses to try to convict President Trump. Democrats had hoped to gain the support of four maverick liberal Republican Senators to take control of the Impeachment process to continue to search for the silver bullet that would compel removal of the President.
As House Managers closed their arguments, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA 28th) implied that President Trump told wavering Republicans that if they voted incorrectly then their heads would be put on pikes. That charge was so outrageous that Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), who was one of the supposed persuadable Republicans, exclaimed: "That's not true."
During the Question Time, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who is currently running for President, submits a query which drew Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts into the political fray, wondering if this contributes to the public's lack of confidence in the system.
Aside from Chief Justice Roberts death stare, one wonders what the Democrats were thinking?
Maybe Warren gets her name in the news for a "tough question" before the crucial Iowa Caucuses. However, this veiled attack further politicizes the process. And it was aimed at Chief Justice Roberts, who had twice helped Democrats out by not allowing Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) incisive question about the so called "Whistle Blower".
Further fallout from attacking Senator Lisa Murkowski's vote on witnesses. The question was going to be a close vote. But Murkowski was so offended by this tactic of sullying the Chief Justice that they lost her support, dooming the call for witnesses.
While conservative commentators are wont to think that Democrats had weak Articles Impeachment which were rushed through the House, the way Democrats comported themselves during the trial, they seemed like they just wanted political wedge issues rather than trying to remove the Chief Executive.